Harmony GreenFields is a large-scale project that has the general objective of introducing change in the applied forms of agriculture and incorporating the agroecological principles into it. This transition emphasizes the participants’ high ethical standards as well as their concern for the environment, which indicates their desire to leave a positive impact on the society.
Pendulum is shifting toward agroecological management in which Harmony Greenfields is in the middle of changing the ways of organizing the agriculture into balanced and healthy ecosystems. Our principles of designing and creating this technique that is permaculture, organic farming, and Self-organizing systems: To eliminate artificial chemicals and the generation of more harms, this project seeks to establish sustainable food production.
Such transition draws attention on sustainable ways of practicing politics, the land and resources are rightly protected for the future generations. We participate in partnership, carry out promotions, environmental initiatives, and campaigns in order to restore local habitats, territories, and people’s awareness of the need to protect the environment for subsequent generations.